Sunday, January 23, 2011

Earn money of writing voting gaming answering and lots more with Boddunan

          I have received two cheques from this site to see the payment proof click here . Following are some of the revenue sharing features of the site you might like to read:
  • Boddunan is going to share 25% of its revenues with the active members of the site.
  • Every month we select the active and eligible members who crossed the points threshold limit and share the revenue as per the points they earned.
  • The active members will be decided every month based on the number of points they earn in that month only. Please note that we do not consider cash credits for this.
  • The minimum points needed to be considered as active member is 2000 and out which 20 points shall be coming from daily login activity. That is user needs to login at least 20 days in a month.
  • The revenue will be shared as per the points the member earns. For every 2000 points one share will be given. So if a member earns 4000 points in a month, he will get 2 shares of the month's revenue share.
  • All the points earned will be added to the member's account and are part of his/her points account, and they can be used in ranking the members and selecting the premiere members for any future programs.
  • All the points earned till now will be moved in to the new points system based on the table mentioned at the end of this post.
  • The boddunan admin's decision of selecting the active members is final and no queries entertained in this matter.
  • The amount earned by boddunan is published every month on forums. Please check out forums for regular updates.
  • As long as the revenues are increasing, the member's share also increases. The more number of members added to the site, the more page views records, the more the activity and the same with the revenues.
  • We do not encourage any member to visit our advertisers without any interest in their products. Also we are going to shift our advertising to the fixed price per displaying ads. So there will be no effect on clicking the ads without the interest in them.
  • All the revenues accumulated will be updated at every month and we will try to provide the necessary proofs as well, if our advertisers permits it.
  • We encourage the members to submit self written and fresh content that is not submitted anywhere. Since our advertisers will look for the fresh content, it is the only way for us to get the new advertisers.
  • Another requirement is he needs to earn atleast 10 points in a day for at least 20 days. So earning 2000 points in a month is not sufficient to be considered as an active member.
If interested in joining the site click here

For more online earning secrets click here

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