Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Regrowing Teeth - Powerful New technology...

Human Stem Cell

How Stem Cells work - Crash Course

O.k. Stem cells are essentially the building blocks of all things in our body. The stem cell is at birth (of the stem cell not the person) much like programming code is before it becomes a program complete potential without form so to speak.
It is capable of becoming a leg, the heart, a sweat gland, hair, and genitals, anything your body has started as a stem cell.
Realize also that although a stem cell can become a heart for example, the heart is made up of a complex matrix of different parts hence several stem cells may be responsible for its creation (I assume).
The "code" for the stem cells "blueprint" (what it's destined to become, i.e. the lung, liver, eyeball etc..) is in the persons DNA.
A stem cell is likened to a blank Hub Page and the capsules you add to it would be likened to "switches" . Some parts of the DNA are turned on others are off (I'm oversimplifying it as not to lose you in the technical details) think of a hub page that has some capsules added and others are not in it.
Each capsule, text, picture, video, rss feed, comments etc.. Has its own potential function and yet it has its place in the matrix of other capsules networked to make a "Hub" article.
Let's forget for a moment that these things will be populated with content and keep it simple to show how the "body" of the hub would be like your body (an incredibly simplistic metaphor for the basic idea of how a stem cell builds.. )
All those capsules were once just potential code, and the programmer made them a text capsule, a picture capsule etc..
The stem cell would be a physical manifestation of the potential code, by ordering it and removing the non essential code you are left with the capsule. Each capsule would function like a body part, the text would be like a lung and allows you to breath the point is it is a part then a function next.

click to enlarge


Another metaphore- Dip Switches

Think of it like those switches in your ceiling fan remote, there are 5 switches and if they are set to the pattern in the ceiling fan in your room then it controls that fan. If the pattern is changed to the one in another room then it would control that one.
This makes the remote programmable to any fan.. Well the stem cell is programmable to any biological part, cell structure, and so on. The difference here is the remote can be changed in what frequency it puts out.
The stem cell in the body is changed with DNA switches turned on or off, it can become anything in your body and to make it become a toe nail, a leg, an arm, a finger, joint, or whatever, the DNA flips the switches to program it to grow into that part.
When your lung is created in your mothers tummy for example the DNA essentially holds the entire blue print for your body's make up which is billions and billions of stem cells which determine how you look, function, everything.
When they clone someone from stem cells they can program the DNA code for each cell and can control everything this way, blue eyes, green etc.. It's all about the genome.
To make a lung from a stem cell they just use one cell and change the DNA to reflect the "Lung" code (I have no idea how they do this but with computers amazing things are possible, they've even mapped out the human genome, the blueprint of the entire body's DNA code structure.
This is required to be able to "program" for want of a better term, each cell to their will! The Genome is the blueprint of the body's "source code" for want of a better term)
Once it's grown into that part it cannot be reprogrammed, but as a stem cell it can become anything. For a better scientific explanation on this check out this page.
This is how cloning organs or a while human being, a dog, sheep, pig or goat works. The stem cell can be grown into a lung for example by messing with the DNA in the cell.
Essentially they either remove parts, make them dormant, or activate others.. Honestly I don't know but I know that they mess with the DNA thus causing the stem cell to grow into any part they want.
It seems impossible to be able to do that but scientists have figured out how. One stem cell can produce more stem cells and can become an entire bio-matrix (the body for example).
So knowing this (later in life) reinforced that the body can reproduce anything missing, even arms and legs, toes, etc.. Since stem cells are all over your body I don't see why some neighboring organ i.e. gums near teeth, can't produce and program a "tooth" to "grow" again.

What can't be regrown? In my opinion- Anything can be.. its a matter of how

Regrow Bones?

The technology they have developed that can regrow teeth has also been tested to regrow bones.. Which would make re-growing a lost limb possible, in conjunction with stem cell stimulation I'm sure..
But that is another hub.
I bet in the future they will find ways to stimulate stem cells in the body, near the amputated arm for instance to regrow any part... Stem cells are ALL OVER your body, and since a stem cell is a blank disk so to speak that can become anything, then a stem cell found in the gums has the potential to become a tooth root, or anything else.
This is not so far fetched anymore, not at all.. I think scientists have found all of this stuff out years ago but its been hidden from the general public... But thanks to the internet they can't keep a lid on the independent researchers who choose to broadcast their findings usually in an effort to find a market to become rich on their invention.
DHT causes the follicles to stop growing, it essentially chokes them, block it and hair starts to grow again!

One more facinating fact before we get into our feature presentation - Regrowing Hair

I don't have a problem with bald spots or receding hairlines (do I? lol) but I worry that some day I will. I was watching a hair club commercial and decided to do some research on how this whole thing worked. Its relevance here is awareness of things once thought impossible such as growing hair naturally, not with "implants" or "wigs"...
Expecting to read about hair plugs or something I was shocked to find out that they don't do surgery, they simply inhibit DHT, an enzyme/chemical in the body that chokes the hair follicle. Just like teeth the materials are still there they just don't produce anything because their dormant, clinically "dead" but can be revived with stimulation, although with hair it's more about blocking DHT than stimulation.
In genetic balding and even in non genetic balding a pattern of DHT flows to the hair follicle in certain places (hence "pattern baldness" and "receding hairline", and this enzyme inhibits growth of hair by chocking essentially the follicle (gets that sucker in a chemical headlock lol). The follicle is still there it's beneath the skin so you don't see it but it's there trust me.
Rogaine and other such products use Minoxidil, and other things to inhibit the DHT from reaching the hair follicle. Some like the kind you put on your follicles directly (creams) do this directly at the follicle level, others like the pills you take, inhibit DHT blocking it at the pass from choking the follicle and thus the follicle starts working again and hair grows again, in all areas.
Their is no excuse for baldness now! George Castanza eat your heart out! (Seinfeld).
The Urban Legend/joke of getting it on your hands or face and hair growing as if the cream was a hair pill is not true. It doesn't cause any direct growth, it just restores the natural function of the follicle (not directly but by stopping the DHT from choking it), and they put other things in it to give it nutrition so it nurses back to health faster (that part is directly nurturing the follicle).
So now you know... It seems that all things that used to be impossible are no longer so... (in my mind they never were.. it was more an out of sight out of mind, believe the bs the media feeds you). When you see your missing teeth grow back your going to flip out! Let's get to that now..
This article has proven pretty educational I think.. Sort of a scientific conglomeration.. *Smiles* But on to our show- Growing teeth.. What a great thing! I wanted to put these other things in here to both give you some interesting information and to show that everything is possible even if for over a hundred years people thought it wasn't...

Click picture to see bigger

This is the actual first rough draft of the device miniaturized. It can be built more customized as well.
This is the chip in the unit that does the work, focusing the sound, targeting the root, sending back data of progress etc.."This tiny chip could make the difference for dental patients looking to restore their smile. "
This is a simular technology using the same concepts and ultrasound technology to regrow teeth. It works on the same principal only this is for rejuevenating skin cells.

Teeth Have the Ability to Heal, Repair itself, and Grow a new full tooth!

All these years they've been telling us that teeth simply won't grow back after your adult set. What they failed to mention was that 1 in 500,000 people have done it NATURALLY due to a specific gene that allows them to.
Doctors have been studying how to make teeth grow back for over a decade now and the research began with rats and rabbits, and then they moved over to human teeth.
What is shocking is how simple it is, and how this technology has actually worked on ALL test subjects!
It works by massaging the root (so I assume if you've had the whole tooth extracted then it won't work for you, but don't quote me on that) Apparently they discovered that massaging the root would work to re-stimulate the dental material inside the tooth that allows everything to happen from the enamel growth/repair to the reformation of the tooth.
The problem however is nobody can massage it where one would need to for this to work. The solution was to send low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) directly to the root to massage it. Since ultrasound penetrates all the way to the root of the tooth's center it can do the trick!
It's that simple. The first devices they made were pretty big and cumbersome and the test subjects had to hold it over their mouth for 20 minutes a day for a year. They have since miniaturized the unit so it fits in the mouth targeting the exact tooth and root with sonic surgical precision. The device is a wireless unit smaller than a pea.
"The wireless design of the ultrasound transducer means the miniscule device will be able to fit comfortably inside a patient's mouth while packed in biocompatible materials. The unit will be easily mounted on an orthodontic or "braces" bracket or even a plastic removable crown. The team also designed an energy sensor that will ensure the LIPUS power is reaching the target area of the teeth roots within the bone."
This kinda looks gross but its a regrown rat or rabbit (not sure which) tooth. It looks like its in the stages of a "repair" to a chipped tooth, using this technology. Human teeth that were regrown look perfectly like they did the first time.

Proven, patented, being tuned right now for retail use

This means that according to most sources I've found in a Google search on this subject (whom all seem to be duplicating the content from each others page so its hard to figure out who the original author is) say that this technology works and is proven with proof you can actually touch (tangible results and duplicated successful and tractable/predictable results), but the teams are working on "tuning" the technology up before releasing it to the general public.
This technology was invented in Canada and will soon be available world wide. It is a very inexpensive device to manufacture although I'm sure it will piss off many dentists and orthodontics as it will make fillings, and prosthetic teeth a thing of the past.
Healing time does take some time, apparently for a tooth to fully grow it takes a year at 20 minutes a day. Since the device can go in like braces or a removable crown (temporary), it can be put in most likely just before you go to bed and taken out 20 minutes later.
This technology is said to also repair chipped teeth (re-growing the missing chunk area and even replacing the enamel) and can like getting a hole poked in your arm; repair itself where one would normally require a filling.
The unit will run on a microchip that will actually use artificial intelligence circuitry to make sure the right root areas are being stimulated. It will not be left to chance, the hand held unit will receive a transmission from the ultrasonic device in your mouth and can constantly fix, update, and refocus the "beam" for want of a better descriptive term.
I don't want to regurgitate all the same data everyone else is so I'll leave it at that and give you the links to the best research I've found on this topic below so you can read it directly from them. It's all fascinating. If anyone finds a link to different information please leave the link URL in the comments box below.
One final note, they are also using this technology to regrow bone. Can you imagine re-growing a finger that was chopped off? Repairing bone density and regrowing limbs.. These are some things diabetic patients are getting excited about!

click to see detail

Bone Marrow Grows Blood

Many don't realize that our blood is actually grown by the bones. Bone marrow is what gives life to blood cells and healthy blood cells bring a lot of things like white T cells and so forth. These things are getting so exciting that all those wonderful devices you see on star trek are really starting to make sense.. in fact most of the stuff you see there are real patented concepts that were never made (yet)..
Below are some fascinating research links on all of this. If you are a hub page author, join my fan club to keep up to date on my latest research. I write hubs all the time on this kind of fascinating finds.. I am a blogger for a living so I'm always stimulated to research!
Thank you for reading my hub. If you found it interesting or useful please leave a comment below.

Bibliography- Links to direct pages I found this information from

I spent hours looking through sites to find the best ones. Alot of these repeat information but they each have something the others don't so I thought you'd want to see them.
low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) information
"If the root is broken, it can now be fixed," said Dr. Tarak
El-Bialy of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. "And because we
can regrow the teeth root, a patient could have his own tooth rather
than foreign objects in his mouth." Source (one of those pages linked above)
Other ways dentists are regrowing teeth NOW:

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