Wednesday, November 10, 2010

9 Ways to effectively use technology for a smart job search

New York: Searching for jobs? But still following traditional ways? It's time for a change. It won't be easy to enhance your chance of getting a job if you cling to the older ways of job search. The technologies available today can double the chances of getting a preferred one, but they should be used in the correct way at the correct time. "Technology is a job hunter's friend, but only if you use it correctly", says Kate Wendleton, President of The Five O'Clock Club, a U.S.-based career coaching and outplacement network. Here are nine suggestions by Wendleton on proper new technology etiquette for job hunters.Make your first impression the old-fashioned way
Since hiring managers use to get too much e-mails and spam, chances are there that your mail might get deleted by them. When hiring managers get an unsolicited e-mail that they don't recognize, they may well hit 'delete' without ever opening it. What's the solution then? Go for snail mail, as it is the best way to get recognized by hiring managers. "It allows you to take advantage of paper quality, resume design, and appealing typefaces so that the package you are sending is more like a printed marketing piece than a quick solicitation," says Wendleton. This will differentiate you from other candidates.
E-mail is best for follow-up and networking
Suppose you want send a link to showcase your work after a meeting or indicate a relevant article reflecting the content of your conversation, E-mail would be the most suitable form of communication. But important follow-ups should always be sent by snail mail also, to assure that the formatting will be correct and the letter won't get lost in cyberspace. E-mail is ideal for building networks also. One should always put the person's name, by whom he has been introduced, in the subject line to be sure you are not automatically deleted (e.g. "Bob Smith Suggested That I Contact You").
When following up after a job interview
The form of follow-up for the organization or person you will be contacting is a vital thing. According to Wendleton, since hiring decisions are made very quickly these days, one should send an e-mail follow-up and also mail a copy of his follow-up influence letter. Also, at the end of the interview, one should ask the interviewer how he or she prefers to be contacted. 
Use mobile devices only in a pinch
Generally mobile messages are composed in a hurry and in a quick reaction to an inbound e-mail. Therefore most of the times, the tone in a mobile message tends to be crisp and likely to be misunderstood. Hence, if it is necessary to use it, you should always proofread before sending it out.
To sell yourself to potential employers, don't "cell" yourself
One should never use a cell phone for telephone interviews or other phone communication, even if it's just a cursory screening interview. Chances are there that the interviewer could easily miss words, lose the tone of your voice, or not hear your emphasis on a critical question. And if it happens, you will fail to communicate your energy and enthusiasm.
Don't call your interviewers on their cells, either
As an applicant for a job, you should never make an initial or introductory call to a hiring manager's cell phone. Mobile phones are mostly perceived as private as their home phones, therefore, an unsolicited call from a job hunter may disturb a hiring manager, and it virtually guarantees a negative result.
Avoid instant messaging and social networks for first-time communication
Instant messaging is a permission-based concept. People invite others of their choosing to interrupt them with instant messages. Seeking out and finding a hiring manager via IM is considered intrusive. The same holds true for social networking. "Even though the Internet enables you to search out an individual using directory tools or through social networks, it is not acceptable to approach future employers using these tools," says Wendleton.  

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